How To Train Your Horse To Carry The American Flag

American Flag Pro Rodeo

Build a “flag” out of a 10 foot PVC pipe, an old tablecloth, and some strong flexi-ties.

Carry the flag past your horse’s stall.

Clean leg wounds from him sailing out of his stall and into the run in an effort to escape the scary-flappy-thing.

Decide he’s definitely not fit for grand entry.

Nervously ask barn friend if you can use her horse to carry the flag. She’s honored. Tack up substitute horse while giving your own some side eye.

Trot substitute horse.

Flop around in the saddle on unfamiliar horse, bump reins, horse stops.  Urge horse back into a trot. Repeat flopping. Repeat horse stopping. Feel that perhaps you can’t actually ride at all.

Finally achieve a consistent speed at the trot. Pick up “flag.”

Immediately throw flag down as horse shows you just how fast she can sidepass away from scary-flappy-thing.

Re-introduce horse to flag. Pick it up slowly, then successfully carry it a couple circles around the arena at a decent trot. Decide not to press your luck by trying it at the lope. Secretly wonder if you’re a sissy.

On a different day, ride horse without flag. Lope like the spirit of Stacy Westfall has taken residence in your body and you are just an extension of the horse.

Pull out flag for next ride. Anticipate Stacy Westfall feelings of delight and awe.
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Flop around at inconsistent speed. Feel the ass of your jeans hit your saddle in a choppy lope. Feel not the presence of Stacy Westfall, but the foreboding yell of your trainer telling you to “sit your ass back.” Feel relief that she’s not actually there to witness your floppy chicken lope.

Training Flag Horse
Those encouragement banners are sarcasm. Everything is a series of steps, but I can’t help making fun of myself for getting over the tiniest of hills: walking with the flag.

Decide to pick up tablecloth flag at a trot, despite your inability to ride like the equitation champion of your dreams. Celebrate not having to ditch the “flag” in the dirt. Ride an inconsistent trot, though slightly less flop-inducing, around the arena. Have small debate about trying a lope. Tell inner scaredy-pants-baby-rider to sit down and shut up, that you’re loping and that’s that. Take a deep breath and lope off.

Stacy Westfall takes over your body again.


Circle around the arena. Feel like you’re flying. Yell at your cheering/coaching section to take a quick video.

Slow to a stop. Congratulate yourself.

Watch video.

You do look good… But you’ve seen western pleasure horses lope faster.

There’s work to be done.

To be continued….

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